04 September, 2019

Business Cards are here to stay

It is more than 12 years since The BPc had a need for business cards but that's not the case for many of our clients. 

Recently, we provided artwork to re-print cards for all the staff of alphabetapartners.co.uk in London, when they moved to their new HQ near the Bank of England / Royal Exchange. When they launched the company, we designed the original logo, business card and branding (but not the website build) for Alpha Beta Partners, based around their chosen mountain peaks theme.

We are also working with a new Garden Design enterprise, setting up near Welwyn, Herts.. We helped to create a logo and design the business cards, which are currently with local print company, Triographics in Knebworth. This is the logo for Primrose Garden Design. The website will follow in due course.

Primrose Garden Design

Established January 1990, The BPc has designed, digitised and provided pre-print services to a number of clients over the years. We have helped clients to build an internet presence with websites and blogs for twenty years, later enhanced by social media and video services. If you own or know a small-medium business that could benefit from a chat, feel free to email or call.

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