08 December, 2015

Using Video To Your Advantage

Two Top Tips for creating video demonstrations of your products or services.

Keep it short, not boring!

We create short informative videos for our clients. Not only are we not equipped for a John Lewis style TV ad but our client-base comprises small-to-medium sized businesses whose budgets need careful management. Our clients like value for money. We find that you often have only 15 seconds to capture someone's attention and, if something can be conveyed in one minute, don't drag it out to five! 

Do you really need to add audio?

Sound is known to be the most difficult aspect of film-making to get right. If the audio isn't necessary to your video, consider keeping it silent. More than 80% of people who watch videos do so without sound. Remember, too, that using someone else's music may infringe copyright or licensing laws.


At the time of writing this post, there are a dozen videos on The BPc Google/YouTube account. Two were provided from clients' smart-phones with requests to upload them, one was created by film students at North Herts College (sponsored by a client) and the others were filmed 'on location' or created by The BPc on behalf of clients. These include four 'live' camera recordings, four image slideshows and a graphic animation.

Our aim is to produce short, inexpensive, informative or promotional slideshows, graphic animations or mini-movies within a small budget. These can be uploaded to YouTube (with website links), embedded in blogs and other Social Media and included on clients' website pages to add interest. Here's one we created...

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