A blogger noticed that views have declined rapidly. Their stats (immediately below, with permission) are for 12 months and total in excess of 6k so let's remove the Singapore views for this exercise and we are left with a total of well over 1,000 views a year.
Total blog views in 30 days (above) = 81
As an ongoing average x 12 months = 972 per year
- OR -
removing Singapore = 8 per month, let's say 100 per year
(less than 10% of the previous year)
Time to check The BPc blogs and see how they compare
Over 1,000 views in the past 30 days, almost 13,000 views in the past 12 months - steady average.
Here's the odd bit - just under 50% of these views came from The Isle of Man!! Really, Google?
Blog 2 https://myportfolioltd.blogspot.com/
Over 1,000 views in the past 30 days, almost 23,000 views in the past 12 months - declining average?
More than 90% of these were almost equally divided between The USA and Singapore.
Over 1,000 views in the past 30 days, almost 23,000 views in the past 12 months - declining average?
More than 90% of these were almost equally divided between The USA and Singapore.
Other blogging hosts
Wordpress & Tumblr have not, in the past, been as successful as blogger/blogspot. Indeed, we struggle to make any headway whatsoever with the latter.
The BPc's YouTube channel has had almost 3.5k views in the past 30 days and almost 18k in the past year. This indicates that views have improved and, on further analysis, we see that visits in the second half of the year increased phenomenally:
Our conclusion is that... we don't know the reasons for any of these fluctuating stats. We'd be delighted if anyone can explain in simple terms.
Other hosts for social media video include Facebook, Instagram and TikTok. Good luck out there!
Updated thoughts on the reasons why blog readership may be declining https://beeprimrose.blogspot.com/2024/02/virtual-living-vs-life-experience.html